Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Among the cooling jelly dishes, jelly jelly jelly jelly is hard to be missed by coconut water and coconut milk is cool, delicious, soft, very attractive and fresh, especially. The kids love jelly very much, right?
What could be better than making a batch of delicious, safe, coconut jelly to cool off your loved one and the whole family? Let’s put up our sleeves and go into the kitchen!

Coconut Siamese: 3 fruits
Filtered water: 200ml
Young coconut rice: 250g
Coconut milk: 200ml
Fresh milk: 10ml
Sugar: 200g
Seaweed powder from seaweed: 8g
Step 1: Coconut saplings get water and then cut in half, scraping off the desired pieces of coconut

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Step 2: Put the jelly and sugar into a bowl, mix well.

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Step 3: Stir the coconut milk with a little water

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Step 4: Mix fresh coconut water with filtered water into the pot, cook on medium stove with medium donkey, add sugar and jelly powder, use wooden spoon to stir hands until completely dissolved.

When the water boils, remove the foam and let the heat simmer for 1-2 minutes, then clear the jelly.

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Step 5: Scoop half of the water in the pot into another pot, set aside.

The remaining water in the pot continues to cook, add the dissolved coconut milk and fresh milk, bring to the boil, then turn down the heat, you taste again, if not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar for just taste, stir your hands until the sugar dissolves, the water boils again, then turn off the heat.

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Step 6: The remaining verse in another pot, you boil it on the stove to simmer again and add chopped young coconut, stir and turn off the stove. You let the jelly cool down and scoop into the molds, just scooping in half of each mold!

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Then you put the mold in the fridge for about 20 minutes for the jelly to freeze, when touching jelly not friable, melt it out, continue to gently scoop the coconut milk jelly on top, bring the refrigerator to wait jelly can be enjoyed offline!

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

The product is both soft and crunchy, very coconut-scented and cool, sweet, and has a wonderful life!

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

With our little love, adults should cut the jelly into small pieces so that children can eat cold and safe!

Coconut jelly jelly – greasy – cool aromatic heart

Good luck!!!

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